The goals of in-class presentations are to learn how to communicate ideas in a clear and organized manner, and to lead a discussion.
The presenter is expected to lead a discussion and should be prepared for questions by the instruction and other students.
Presentation Signup
Each student will perform 2 in-class presentations during this course.
Please select two papers which you would like to present at the following link: .
The paper numbers correspond to the papers and presentation dates on the course webpage.
Presentations are individual effort.
Each presenter is allocated ~40-45 minutes.
The presentation loosely follows the following format:
Background: Provide sufficient background so that the audience can understand the context of the paper and the problem it solves. (Note: this may involve reading additional related papers)
Paper Details: In a clear and concise manner, present the main ideas of the paper, solution, results, strengths, weaknesses, etc.
Discussion: The key here is to engage everyone in the class. You can discuss what improvements can be made, future research direction, relevance to current technology, etc.
If you are presenting on Tuesday, you can provide your slides to me by Monday morning and I will give you feedback for improvements.
Presenters must submit their presentation to iLearn before class.